
Ideal Love Relationship

To me, I love the song Head Over Feet” the most. It really depicts my ideal love relationship. I think the one is someone who can always listen to you, talk to you, and take care of you, and of course you love everything about him just like he loves everything about you. He treats you like a princess, and he doesn’t care about weather you treat him like a slave, he would love to do everything you want. Also, you will be pleasure to do everything good for him. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to meet someone who puts me head over feet, and I also think that is very hard to happen on me. I would have that kind of thought not because I don’t believe in love, I do, but there’re really few people say “ Oh, I found my real love.” in the reality. Actually, I really hope I can find someone who makes me feel that I could always depend on, and he loves me as I love him. Everyone wants a relationship without lying, but in our real life mendacities always appear. Even though, we should still believe in love. About unhappy love and grief songs, I think that” I Grief” is the most touching to me. I think I can realize the feeling that lyrics talked about. Once I had that experience and it’s really hard to pass by. You will see the things he left and trying to evoke some memories you two had. You will do these things day by day until someday you just figure out that life goes on, there’s no reason to do the stupid things. Someday when you are awake, you will think yourself a fool for being sad to a person who left you. And then, you start to pick up the things and release yourself. Even though those days are long and hard, one day it will stop. Life will go on, everything will be perfect. Everything’s gonna be okay. It’s hard to avoid being grieved when that thing happens, but it’s important to let yourself get out of that as soon as possible.



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