
My Lovely Chilhood

Thank God, I feel so lucky that my parents never treat me like” Perfect”. Of course they’ve always wanted me to be a great person. They’ve always wanted me to be good at grades or everything, but they just never push me or coerce me into doing something I don’t have any interest in. They let me do anything I want, of course not bad things. Like many other people, I have learned so many talents and skills since I was a little, but without my parent’s commands, I wanted to learn them by myself. I asked them to let me practice ballet, drawing, play the piano and the clarinet, and they just never said” No”. Maybe just because they never reject me and push me, I could do all those things without strains so that I could do them very well. I also feel lucky to have a wonderful time in elementary and high schools, especially my elementary school life. I was in the school band, and we were all in the same class, our teacher was also our bandmaster. Because we took the courses together, practiced the instruments together, and even often slept together because of having performances around, we had a very special relationship, and we were really close. That’s a really wonderful memory to me. When it comes to a friend, who was very close to me but is no longer with me, of course I would say one of my classmates in elementary. Her name is Cathy. Actually we’d been in the same class not even two years. Both of us were leaders, she used to played the flute, and I used to played the clarinet. She was born in the U.S. and came to Taiwan for educating about four years, three in our school, and one in Taipei American School. After we graduated from elementary, she just went back to America without any message, and we just lost contact. We were very close, and we’d always had fun together. These years, I have always thought of her, and I thought we could never meet again. Until last year, I got a phone call from her; I was so surprised and can’t believe that was true. We just exchanged e-mails and having written each other since then. Recently, she plans to come to Taiwan and visit us, I am so excited to see her now and I just can’t wait!



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