
My Favorite

Nothing special, I just suddenly want to write something about my favorite.
My favorite number 1 : TENNIS
I can get up so early for playing tennis, even I went to sleep very late. And it's really hard for me to get up early to do other things like that.
I can bear the terrible sunshine for hours when I play the lovely yellow ball. I don't care whether I will get sunburn or not. And actually I often get sunburn. When you really love it, nothing else is important at all. I seldom see girls in the court, and I think that sunburn must be the mainly reason. Most of girls are afraid of being "dark", they always want to be "snow white". But I think that dark skin makes you look very healthy. So, I'm not afraid of that at all.

My Favorite number 2: BEACH
I really love beaches. The beach is the most wonderful place in the world for me. The sea, the sun, the sky, everything. Everything is just so wonderful, so amazing. Actually, I do not go to beaches very often but I really hope I do more in the future.

My Favorite number 3: MIAMI INK
I've got into a TV show named "Miami Ink" for a pretty long time. It's played on channel "Travel and Living", one of my favorite channels. There are 5 maestros in Miami Ink: Ami James, Chris Nunez, Chris Garver, Darren Brass, and Kat Von D. Every of them is so amazing. I didn't think that tattoos are good looking years ago, but now I realize that is because I hadn't seen any beautiful one. The tattoos they made are just so beautiful, and they make me understand that tattoo is actually a kind of arts. Seeing the program, you don't just see how they make a beautiful tattoo. You also "see" the stories about their customers. There are so many stories that you can never imagine. Some are happy, some are sad. Just like our life, always filled with happiness and sadness. In fact, the show just shows us what is our life like. Maybe that's the reason why I love it, "Miami Ink".



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