
Be a junior

Not freshman anymore?? Please, I'm a junior already. So far, I enjoy this life, I enjoy being a junior. Until now, I just really really realize that I DO major in economics. It sounds a lit bit too exaggarated. The reason makes me feel that way is because some of lectures I take this semester I think can be pratically used in reality easily, not just like microeconomics or macroeconomics we've learned before. It's something that you can really get yourself in it, actually I mean the course named "foreign exchange market". The lecturer is young and already very successful. I really admire him. Because of the coures, I've learned lot of things about investing and that is really interesting I think. In the future, I don't want to be a person who just knows how to earn money by YOURSELF but do not know how to manage them in a smart way. If you realize to manage your money in a right way, you can use your money to earn more money. So I made up my mind to let myself be that kind of smart person.